Sunday, August 18, 2013

SummerSlam Predictions

I have nowhere else to post these, but I feel like I should just to see how well I do. I know not many people read, because why would they? Neither Connor nor I post anymore. Here we go!

Rob Van Dam vs Dean Ambrose (c)
There may be rumors of The Shield falling down the card, but Ambrose will find a way to retain.

Winner: Ambrose

Natalya vs Brie Bella
For the love of wrestling, let Nattie win.

Winner: Natalya

Cody Rhodes vs Damien Sandow
Sandow has the briefcase, so they're going to give Rhodes some momentum to even out the push.

Winner: Rhodes

Dolph Ziggler and Kaitlyn vs Big E Langston and AJ Lee
I read this elsewhere and I liked it. Big E accidentally hits AJ giving Kaitlyn the pinfall victory.

Winner: DZ and Kaitlyn

Kane vs Bray Wyatt
What is See No Evil 2 without Jacob Goodnight? I also see Rowan and Harper getting involved despite the flames.

Winner: Bray Wyatt

Alberto Del Rio vs Christian
Christian becomes a three-time champion when Ricardo interferes.

Winner: Christian

CM Punk vs Brock Lesnar
This isn't the only time these two will square off.

Winner: Brock Lesnar

John Cena vs Daniel Bryan
Yes. Yes. Yes. About damn time.

Winner: Daniel Bryan

I then called the following as soon as the Raw MITB match ended: Orton cashes in on Bryan immediately.

New WWE Champion: Randy Orton

Thursday, June 13, 2013

WWE Payback Predictions

by: Connor Okey

Chicago in my opinion has always been the best wrestling city out there. Some might say the NYC area would be better, but not for me. On June 16, WWE is coming back to Chicago for WWE Payback & I’ll be there live to witness a night with a lot of great action. For me, there are many matches that I’m looking forward to at this pay per view. The crowd will make this show also very special as well. Now, this show wont be what Money in the Bank 2011 was, but I’m not expecting that. You would be crazy to think that. Let’s go through this card, match by match seeing what I think.

Triple Threat Match for the Intercontinental Championship:
Curtis Axel v. The Miz v. Wade Barrett(c)
Not gonna lie, I’m little disappointed that Fandango’s concussion is causing him to miss out on the pay per view. I was looking forward to doing some Fandangoing in the crowd, I guess ill have to wait for that to happen. If he was still in the match, I would have had him walk away with the championship. Wade Barrett’s reign as the Intercontinental champion has been very uninteresting, so it’s the best thing for him to lose the championship. I’m a huge Miz fan, he’s my boy, but it’s not Miz’s time to be the champion again. Curtis Axel re-debut to the WWE Universe has been a good one. Clearly WWE is gonna push this guy forward, he’s got great skills out there & pretty badass remix to his father’s theme song. I’m predicting that Curtis Axel will walk out with the Intercontinental championship & bringing the gold the Paul Heyman’s faction of Heyman Guys.

United States Championship Match: Kane v. Dean Ambrose(c)
It’s not the match that I thought we would be seeing at the pay per view, but it doesn’t bother me. I’m just happy that Ambrose is defending the championship. This is a rematch from Monday, it was good, but I’m expecting this one to be better. At the end of the day, Ambrose will walk out retaining the United States Championship at WWE Payback.

Divas Championship Match:
AJ Lee v. Kaitlyn(c)
It’s about time that the divas, not just the Divas Championship will be featured on a WWE pay per view. Monday did a tremendous job at putting the final build to this match. I know people think this was just made this Monday, but no this has been a story for well over a year. I’m also liked how the secret admirer was just AJ’s way to torture Kaitlyn. I don’t think I want this to end here at Payback, so I’m gonna pick AJ to win by disqualification. This could lead to a rare no disqualification match between the two.

World Heavyweight Championship Match: Alberto Del Rio v. Dolph Ziggler(c)
Thank God Dolph Ziggler is back! Ziggler has been very much missed on WWE programming & I don’t know if I could watch another Del Rio v. Langston match again. This will be a very good match, with some great bumping by Ziggler, but what is new for him. An back in forth match with Ziggler retaining the World Heavyweight Championship & hopefully onto a new challenger for Money in the Bank.

WWE Tag Team Championship Match: Daniel Bryan & Randy Orton v. The Shield (Rollins & Reigns)(c)
Talent overload in this match & what I think will be the match of the night for me. Daniel Bryan has been the WWE MVP recently, who has been having his best year so far since being in WWE. His match with Rollins on Raw was just an amazing contest. I’m surprised that this match was put together, I thought it would have been Orton v. Bryan, but this will be a lot of fun. Everyone will shine in this match, with Orton & Bryan trying to coexist, but The Shield will find away to retain the championship. I wouldn’t be surprised to see Bryan turn his back on Orton as well in this match.

CM Punk v. Chris Jericho
This is the match that everyone is looking forward to seeing. It’s the Battle of the Best in this match. I’m overly happy to see CM Punk coming back & to have his comeback in Chicago is gonna be a special moment. I expect the crowd to be insane for Punk & loud throughout the match. One of the things that I love about this match, other than the great wrestling contest that we will see is that WWE is keeping Chicago for Punk first appearance since walking off of Raw. The two ways I see this match going is Punk walks away with the win & then go back into the WWE Championship picture. Another way I could see is Heyman gets involve accidently costing Punk the match & leading to the face turn for CM Punk. At the end of the day, it’s gonna be a great match & I’ll go with Punk to walk out with the win in this match.

3 Stages of Hell Match for the WWE Championship:
Ryback v. John Cena(c)
(Stage 1: Lumberjack Match, Stage 2: Tables Match, Stage 3: Ambulance Match)
I think last month at Extreme Rules both these performers surprised a lot of people by having a great match & now we have the rematch. This match changed from an ambulance match to the 3 stages of hell match & I like that it was changed. Honestly the stages are fine, but they should have something other than an ambulance match. Even though it’s gonna be great to see the only pay per view main event JTG will ever be in. LOL!!! No doubt in my mind that Cena will retain the WWE Championship in this match. It’s still too soon for him to lose the championship, since the big win from WrestleMania.

In conclusion, I’m very much looking forward & excited for WWE Payback. It’s a night of returns, a night of great wrestling & it’s a night of championship match. All the WWE championships are on the line on this night, which is pretty rare other than at Night of Champions. There is are a few match that can be just amazing match on that night. It’s gonna be awesome to see the return of CM Punk, he’s been very much missed by the fans. I can’t say that there are any bad matches on this card, they are all good to amazing matches. The crowd is gonna match this show & I can’t wait to see how these matches pay out. The wait is killing me!!!

Monday, May 20, 2013

My WWE Payback PPV

by: Connor Okey

My favorite wrestling event that I’ve ever been to was Money in the Bank 2011. To me, that was a perfect event where everything that happen was the right thing to happen. Other than the ladder matches & the great story that CM Punk gave the entire event, but it was the fact that it was in Chicago that made this event even more awesome. So with that being said, I’m excited for WWE Payback. I’ll be there live for the event, but for fun I’d like to take the time to write down a card that I would like to see. Of course this is what I would do if was Mr. McMahon.

Intercontinental Championship Match: The Miz v. Wade Barrett(c)
The Miz hasn’t had his rematch yet, so I would have this match start the show. A good back & forth match here. Wade Barrett’s run with the championship hasn’t been memorable to say the least. I would put the championship back on The Miz & allowing him to have a new program with a new challenger. I then would repackage Barrett. Maybe get him ready for money in the bank.
    winner: The Miz (new champion) - (10mins.)

Number 1 Contendership Tag Team Gauntlet Match:
The Usos v. Tons of Funk v. The Prime Time Players v. Primo & Epico v. Team Rhodes Scholars
You can announce this match a week before the ppv, or it can be a special bonus match. It’s a nice way to get a lot of the talent on the ppv. For something different, I would have The Usos win this match. Have them start from number 1 to out last all the other tag teams. I’m a fan of The Usos & I wanna see them get there chance to put on some good matches. Plus I think they would work well with Rollins & Reigns of The Shield.
    winners: The Usos (number 1 contenders) - (15mins.)

Chris Jericho v. Fandango
The score card is 1 to 1. This would be the final match in this feud. Putting on another very good match, maybe a great match. Fandango would walk out with the win & moving onto feud with The Miz for the Intercontinental Championship. For Chris Jericho, id like to see a feud with Barrett, if it’s not time for him to take a break to tour with Fozzy. I’m looking forward to seeing what’s next for both wrestlers.
    winner: Fandango - (10mins.)

Divas Championship Match:
AJ Lee v. Kaitlyn(c)
It’s time to take the championship off of Kaitlyn. It hasn’t been a bad run with the championship, but it hasn’t been good too. Nothing really stands out while she has been champion. On the other hand, AJ with the championship could be great. Id see Big E getting involved in this match & causing the secret admirer finally being revealed.
    winner: AJ Lee (new champion) - (8mins.)

Fatal 4 Way Number 1 Contendership Match:
Sheamus v. Mark Henry v. Big Show v. Randy Orton
This match would set up the world championship match at Money in the Bank. Continuing the feuds between the two. This match would all come down to Orton & Sheamus, eventually gonna have a feud between the two. With an RKO out of nowhere, Orton would walk out with the win.
    winner: Randy Orton (number 1 contender) - (15mins.)

Triple Threat Ladder Match for the World Heavyweight Championship:
Jack Swagger v. Alberto Del Rio v. Dolph Ziggler(c)
I was really bummed that this match got cancelled from Extreme Rules, but I would have this match happen now at WWE Payback. Swagger would cost Del Rio his championship match on Smackdown. I would have each participants outside manager, valet, bodyguard or announcer get involved, but eventually sent to the back. I would have Del Rio “injury” Swagger, taking him off tv while his legal issue & possible suspension would finish up. After a hard hitting ladder match, Ziggler would be walking out still the world heavyweight champion.
    winner: Dolph Ziggler (still champion) - (25mins.)

“Winner’s Take All” Six-Man Tag Team Match for the United States & WWE Tag Team Championship: Kofi Kingston & Team Hell No v. The Shield(c)
Extreme Rule was highlighted by The Shield dominating & taking the championship. This go round its “winner’s take all” for both team. This would be an exciting & great match with lots of action. The Shield will cont. to dominate the WWE & retain their championship.
    winners: The Shield (still champions) - (18mins.)

Ambulance Match for the WWE Championship:
Ryback v. John Cena(c)
I was really surprised how good there last man standing match at Extreme Rules went. An ambulance match is the only match that make since to do right now. Cena refused to leave the arena in an ambulance & Ryback wants to send Cena to the hospital, taking the WWE Championship as well. This match would have been an “I quit” match, but WWE had used that match last month. The ending of the match would have the surprise return of CM Punk. He would be in the ambulance & would attack both men. Punk would destroy both men & put them into the ambulance, ending the match in a no contest. Punk would walk away stealing the WWE Championship as well. This would set up a triple threat match at Money in the Bank.
    winner: No Contest - (20mins.)

This was a lot of fun to do. To think of these matches & to plan them out, even setting up some matches for the next WWE pay per view, Money in the Bank. I can’t wait to be in Chicago for WWE Payback. It would be awesome if WWE did one of these match, just so I could say I called it first, lol. But in Chicago, I know WWE will bring it’s A game for the best wrestling crowd around.

Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Extreme Predictions for Extreme Rules 2013

by: Connor Okey

The night of extreme is approaching this Sunday. WWE Extreme Rules 2013 is a pay per view that has had its fair share of problems. The Rock’s injury causing a rush to the Ryback heel turn to face Cena, & fast tracking the 3rd bout between Triple H & Brock Lesnar. Ziggler’s injury causing him to miss the pay per view, but at least WWE didn’t strip him of the World Heavyweight Championship. Those would be the problems of the show, but there is still a lot of good on this card. Now, lets go through the card line up & I’ll give my opinions & predictions for each bout.

Last Man Standing Match for the WWE Championship:
Ryback v. John Cena(c)
I think this match should have been a Ryback Rule’s Match, lol. Hopefully using the last man standing rules will help shield the limitations of Ryback. I feel his heel turn is being fast & I think this match should have been saved, until after Ryback got back some wins. This will be an interesting match, with some great spots, but at the end of the day, Cena will retain the championship.

Steel Cage Match: Brock Lesnar v. Triple H
The 3rd match in the series & without question Brock Lesnar will win this match. I’m ready for Lesnar to do something else with other superstars other than Triple H. For some reason, I feel we will get the best match these two have had against each other. I’d also expect this to be the main event of the show.

“I Quit” Match: Jack Swagger v. Alberto Del Rio
(winner will be the number 1 contender for the World Heavyweight Championship)
After Ziggler’s injury, I sure am happy that this match isn’t a ladder match. I just don’t know how well just Swagger & Del Rio would be in a one on one ladder match. Hopefully next month will get the triple threat ladder match. Gonna be interesting seeing this match. These two do work well together & Colter & Ricardo will cause some great entertainment as well. I predict Del Rio to walk away the winner & number 1 contender.

Chris Jericho v. Fandango
It’s a rematch from WrestleMania. I’d expect a better match between the two & I’m hoping Summer Rae will be the dancer for Fandango as well. Don’t know if this match will have an added stipulation, but Jericho will put over Fandango again at Extreme Rules.

Strap Match: Mark Henry v. Sheamus
This match could be a brutal watch. The marks that Sheamus had from Henry’s attack weeks ago were pretty sick. I’ve been loving the monster Henry push & I expect Henry walk away with the win in this match.

Extreme Rules: Randy Orton v. Big Show
Without a doubt in my mind the easiest match to predict. Orton gonna walk out of his hometown with the win in extreme rules. I can’t remember the last time Orton & Show had a one on one match on a pay per view. So, I’m interested in seeing this match.

United States Championship Match: Dean Ambrose v. Kofi Kingston(c)
This is gonna be a very good match. I’m surprised that they went with a one on one match, instead of having a six-man for the titles. This will be a great wrestling match to separate the gimmick match. Dean is bringing The Shield the gold & Kofi goes back to not mattering.

Tag Team Tornado Match for the WWE Tag Team Championship: The Shield (Rollins & Reigns) v. Team Hell No(c)
It’s not just a tag team match, that would be boring. It’s an old school tag team tornado match, with everyone in the ring at the time. Will be a great match, no doubt about it. This match is full of talent, but in the end Rollins & Reigns are taking the championships from Team Hell No.

At the end of the day, I’m looking forward most is The Shield pulling a clean sweep for the championships. The strap match will have the brutal slaps with the straps & seeing the freak known as Brock Lesnar is always fun to watch. It’s not fair, but I’m looking forward to the next pay per view, WWE Payback. I’ll be there live & it’s in Chicago. So, clearly my interest is else where in the WWE Universe.

Monday, May 13, 2013

Nearly Live Raw Coverage

Now that I have nothing to do during Raw, I might as well cover it live. Too bad I didn't think of this until an hour into Raw this week, but I'll go back over it all anyways.

Fandango vs Chris Jericho - Dance Off
Why did this start Raw? I guess I shouldn't complain too much because we were blessed to see two beautiful women in little clothing. I, like others, was disappointed with Summer Rae's acting, but it was improved when it was actually just their plan all along. Also, why do they keep changing Fandango's partner between Summer and the other dancer who is a real dancer? Hmm... Nice use of flooring, though.

Ryback vs Zack Ryder
We think the same here. Except, I think Zack should have brought back the half pants before fully transitioning into full pants. Oh well, I guess I'm not a fashion designer for a reason.

Tons of Funk vs Prime Time Players
Why more dancing? Why? At least PTP got the win! When was the last time they won on Raw or Smackdown? I don't even care it was dirty. It was innovative and awesome.

Recap. Why so much? We don't have short term memory like Dolph.

Speaking of Dolph, I'm glad he's getting to keep his championship. I was going to be heart-broken if he wouldn't. I'm a little disappointed there won't be a ladder match at Extreme Rules, but maybe there will be one at Payback? I'd hope so, because it's my favorite type and would love to see it live.

Kofi Kingston vs Damien Sandow
When Sandow said he wasn't going to sing, I thought he was following it up with "...because it's a little racist." Sorry for my mind going there, but it did. I'm disappointed with how short this one was. I enjoy both men in the ring. I guess they have to cut back the wrestling in order to find time for recaps, though.

Kofi vs Dean Ambrose at Extreme Rules? Yes, please! Now, I'm thinking they're going to have Rollins and Reigns go after the Tag Titles. Have all three with straps? That'd show some power.

Randy Orton vs Antonio Cesaro 
This seems like the tenth time these guys have wrestled this month. Am I the only one? Of course, Orton wins again. I'm just hoping they're saving a clean Cesaro victory for a pay-per-view. That's the only way to make this better. They're trying to build Cesaro as dominant, but they keep having him job to Orton.

By the way, I see Orton back in the championship picture with 12 Rounds: Reloaded coming out soon.

The Sheamus and Mark Henry angle was decent, I guess. I wasn't really paying attention because I feel like Henry gets tired when he talks. I'm pretty excited for the strap match. These two will brutalize each other and it will be glorious!

Now I'm all caught up.

Heath Slater vs Miz
My first thought: 3MB, baby! Then Miz came out and ruined the six-man tag match. I guess they can't have two on in one night. I still think the three men could do better in the midcard than as a trio. I guess there's a reason I don't work in creative, though.

I guess the recaps take up so much time on TV that they have to use the app to showcase the backstage interviews. Remember when those were part of the show and recaps weren't? I was a child and still do.

Back to the match, Dolph should have received the Figure Four, not Miz. I'm even a Miz fan and think that. Damn, that sucks.

I can't complain about things like the breast cancer awareness. At least it's for a good cause unlike the recaps.

Time for the six-man elimination tag match. If all three Shield members aren't standing, I'll be a little upset. Unless it was a sacrificial loss. I'll especially be upset if they're the first to lose a member. That would be like a loss in its own way. Just please don't have The Shield lose.

Nothing like two different recaps for a feud involving two part-timers. Oh, and they're ending Raw with these two in the ring together. At least they're not out promoting other projects like another part-timer we all know.

The Shield vs Team Hell No & Cena
Justin Roberts just said "Team. Hell. No." as if it was a custom name on WWE 13.

Oh, god. I just got a HUGE bon... smile when they said there'll be a Tornado Tag Match for the Tag Titles at Extreme Rules. Shield sweep, please!

Match time!

Ugh, I hate when they cut to commercial. Good thing I actually have the App though.

When I got in the App, it was Reigns in the ring against Cena. No eliminations yet. Would they ever have a pinfall during commercial? It'd provide a sense of realism to WWE, but do they even care about that?

I hope there will never be a fourth member to The Shield. That would be the Achilles heel to the group, in my opinion.

This two screen experience is strange. Ryback's coming! Uh oh.

Now, I wish I was on here when Wade Barrett was talking. I hope it was something productive.

I can watch Ambrose and Bryan all day. Heck, I can watch Bryan wrestle anyone all day.

Speaking of, I'm a big Game of Thrones fan, and the most recent episode included a prisoner fighting a bear as entertainment for the soldiers. I wonder if Bryan watched it. I know he loves his bear wrestling.

Where's the Spanish announce table?

DQ elimination? Lame. I hope Bryan doesn't get too upset with Kane. Actually, I would love for that to happen at Extreme Rules. The other way would be fine too, I guess.

Why wasn't there a count out on The Shield? Weren't they out of the ring for more than 10 seconds?

If Maffew watches on the app, Cena will be on the next Botchamania for clearly telling Rollins what to do in the corner.

Reigns looked awkward as hell punching the ring. The actually punch was pretty sweet, though.

Cena's heel is fine!

Bryan's double kick in the corner! I love it! He's such an amazing performer. He can work better than anyone in the ring, and he has one of the most interesting personas in the business. I just wish people would chant "Somebody's gonna get their fucking head kicked in," instead of "Yes" during his kicks.

Kane upset on an in-app exclusive interview. Three on one, Shield vs Cena. I see Ryback ruining The Shield's fun. It'd be better than Cena burying The Shield by himself, though.

That was the first time any member of The Shield was pinned. So sad.

There was the sacrificial loss that I hoped for. Thank you, Reigns. Now, I just hope it worked.

I think Ambrose's three straight matches against Undertaker, Kane, and Bryan on Smackdown followed by his last stand against Cena, and US Title match at Extreme Rules shows that he's the leader.

I'll take a DQ loss I guess. They still looked dominant. I really thought Ryback would come out, though.

Oh, there he is.

Well, that was awkward.

Never mind. What a dick move by Ryback.

Does "Ryback Rules" mean that he is awesome or that he has a list of guidelines everyone should follow? I need some clarification.

So now the voting opens. Why couldn't we vote earlier?

Anyone pay attention to Ziggler's tweets tonight? He was stealing the show from home.

Seriously, I need clarification on "Ryback Rules." Every time he says it, I can't decipher which one he means.

AJ's skipping looks extremely awkward when Big E's music is playing.

I'm surprised they rigged the voting for a heel-vs-heel match. Is this a sign of a face turn for Big E? I hope not, he just debuted.

If you haven't looked at Ziggler's tweets yet, go do it.

Big E is so damn strong. I'm just glad he can work unlike Mason Ryan. Could he become the first black WWE Champion? The Rock is half black, half Samoan so he doesn't count.

Just got word Alex Riley had a match on Superstars! I may have to check that out sometime this week.

Zeb Colter is trying to get the crowd hyped during the commercial. No wrestling during the break, just Zeb talking.

WWE App just asked who would cause more havoc at a Ziggler family barbecue: AJ Lee or Big E Langston. Obviously, Big E would eat all of the food and leave none for everyone else. My app crashed when Ziggler started talking. Damn.

Speaking of Ziggler's family, if his brother, Briley Pierce, would be promoted to the main roster, would he become Briley Ziggler? If not, I will be annoyed. Especially if they reference them as brothers. I mean, they look the same so it'd be hard not to.

Swagger's Patriot Lock is inferior to Kurt Angle's Ankle Lock.

Big E, if you were wanting to destroy the barrier, you have to go to the other side. That's what Reigns always does.

See, if it were Alberto Del Rio vs Big E, Swagger could have interfered for a disqualification instead of a boring count out. come on, creative!

Mmmm... The Bella twins and AJ all at once? I love it! Heck, Natalya and Kaitlyn aren't that bad either.

Natalya should always be Divas champion. No other Diva can touch her in the ring. Too bad they always give her a crappy gimmick.

Oh, god. I just realized one of my friends from school could be Katilyn's secret admirer and I wouldn't be surprised one bit.

What kind of submission is that? A pretty sweet one, that's for sure!

So, at Extreme Rules, I see the Divas, Tag Team, and US Championships switching hands. I wouldn't be surprised if the WWE did if Cena is legitimately injured. I think Ziggler would have retained if he defended or else they'd strip him. Hopefully, the IC is defended and retained. I guess as long as he doesn't drop it to The Miz, I'll be fine.

A third recap of Brock and HHH? WHY? That time could have easily been at least one more match or additional time for Kofi and Sandow.

Random thought: If I had the money, I'd buy the following shirts: Cesaro, Cody Rhodes, Sandow, PTP, Rick Rude, and Big Boss Man for myself and then about every baby/toddler item that didn't have Cena or Rock on it for my niece and nephew.

I'm glad Jericho can pronounce Fandango correctly. I'm more glad that the games are over with Jericho just in time for The Game to come out to the ring.

Three hour Raw sucks. I can't watch anything for that long. I get too distracted. I wish I could listen to Heyman more, but I'm just not that interested in this feud right now.

HHH just said "bitch"? That's not PG.

Thankfully Heyman was there or else that would of been one nasty bump through the door by Lesnar. Still was sick, but could have been much worse.

Hopefully this means Lesnar will be victorious on Sunday.


I probably won't do this too much, because I feel like I rambled a lot. Only time will tell. At least it kept me occupied during Raw.

Saturday, May 11, 2013

I miss Marcus Cor Von

By Michael Vanderkolk

Yeah, you read that headline right. I miss Marcus Cor Von, and I want him back.

Sure, he only had a brief appearance in WWE, but I loved it. Before you get all confused, let me explain myself a little bit.

First, most wrestling fans have that one wrestler they love that most people could not care any less about. For instance, the Wrestling Memes guy is obsessed with Heath Slater. It's just a part of wrestling that will never die out.

Secondly, he had a strange charisma that made him entertaining. He was flamboyant without being too weird. His promos were strange, but not to the level of Ultimate Warrior and better than Ryback.

Third, he looked like he belonged. Other than the color of his skin, he looked like somebody Vince McMahon would create if it were possible and make him the face of the company. His athleticism that carried over from the NFL fit perfectly for his style.

Then there's his finisher: the POUNCE! I simply loved it. Sure, it's nothing special if you just look at it, but Cor Von played in the Super Bowl. That gave his move purpose. It also helped that his opponents would sell it well enough to look devastating. Could you imagine Dolph Ziggler or Zack Ryder taking that? I'd mark-out for sure.

Finally, there's one part about him that most people would instantly disagree with. His theme song is one of my favorites of all time. It's not my favorite style of music, but I love listening to "Smooth." It's not even the typical theme song, but he made it work, and I miss hearing it.

Sadly, he left the WWE due to personal reasons, and professional wrestling hasn't seen The Alpha Male since.

I guess I should be happy that I at least witnessed his only WrestleMania moment.

Monty, if you're reading this, please come back!

Also, who is the one wrestler that you enjoy that others typically don't?

Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Fantasy Re-Booking of WrestleMania 15

by: Connor Okey

For this blog, I’m gonna do something different & fun. I think all wrestling fans think how they would book a show is better what the bookers could do. It’s understandable. Sometimes when I see a wrestling card, I think of what changes I would do & think this would be much better. This time I’m not gonna improve a current card, but I’m gonna take a shot at changing a card from the all too great attitude era. WrestleMania 15 to me is the worst of the attitude era WrestleMania’s, so I’m gonna take a shot & show how I would change the 15th showcase of the immortals.

Before we get to my card. Let’s take a quick examination of the official WrestleMania 15 card.
1. Triple Threat Match for the WWF Hardcore Championship: Hardcore Holly v. Al Snow v. Billy Gunn(c) - A good little hardcore match with some fun spots. Good opener for the show.

2. WWF Tag Team Championship Match: D’Lo Brown & Test v. Jeff Jarrett & Owen Hart(c) - Very short match. Okay match at best with no story going into this match.

3. Brawl for All: Butterbean v. Bart Gunn - Sucks & was the end of Bart Gunn’s career.

4. Paul Wright v. Mankind - Not the best match in the world. Winner would go onto to referee the main event. Mankind should have been in a better spot for WrestleMania.

5. Fatal 4 Way Elimination Match for the WWF Intercontinental Championship: Val Venis v. Goldust v. Ken Shamrock v. Road Dogg(c) - A lot of talent in this match & should have been much better than it was. Okay match at best again.

6. Kane v. Triple H - Lame disqualification finish here to an okay match. Only purpose this match had was for Chyna to turn on Kane & rejoining DX.

7. WWF Women’s Championship Match: Tori v. Sable(c) - God this was so bad. Enough said.

8. WWF European Championship Match: X-pac v. Shane McMahon(c) - A good match here. Wasn’t Shane’s best match, but was one of his first matches. This match also had a great moment with Triple H & Chyna turning on DX to join the corporation.

9. Hell in a Cell Match: Big Bossman v. The Undertaker - One of the worst WrestleMania matches ever & also the worst hell in a cell match.

10. WWF Championship Match: Steve Austin v. The Rock(c) - These two headline 3 WrestleMania. This was the 1st one & the worst of the 3. But it was a great match that the crowd was great in the match as well.

Now for my WrestleMania 15 card.
1. WWF Intercontinental Championship Match: Val Venis v. Ken Shamrock(c) - In WWF history, Venis won the IC title at St Valentines Day Massacre. In my booking that would not have happen. The story of this match going in would be Venis using Shamrock’s sister Ryan to cause Shamrock to go crazy & go after Venis. Ryan Shamrock would be the downfall of her brother’s title reign, costing him the title at WrestleMania. After Venis wins, he would dump her, leaving her heartbroken.

2. WWF Hardcore Championship Match: Al Snow v. Hardcore Holly(c) - It’s a rematch from St Valentines Day Massacre. This would be a hard hitting, fun hardcore match. Fighting all over the building, using everything imaginable. In the end, Snow would finally get the victory & walk way with the hardcore championship.

3. WWF Tag Team Championship Match: New Age Outlaws v. Jeff Jarrett & Owen Hart(c) - Jarrett & Hart would walk away retaining the championship. This match would start the destruction of the New Age Outlaws with Billy Gunn becoming frustrated after losing this match. Eventually leading to him turning on Road Dogg.

4. Battle Royal for the WWF Women’s Championship - The women’s wrestling wasn’t very good at all around 1999 in the WWF. This would be a short match with all the divas WWF had at the time. Nicole Bass would be a surprise entrant in this match. As Tori & Sable are fighting each other, Bass would eliminate all the other divas. She then would take out Tori, then revealing how she is Sable bodyguard. Allowing Sable to retain the championship.

5.Hell in a Cell Match: Kane v. The Undertaker - I would stick with the storyline of Undertaker is trying to take over the WWF. Mr. McMahon being desperate to stop him, puts Undertaker v. Kane in a hell in a cell match. At the end of the day, the Ministry of Darkness would walk out of hell with the victory, one step closer to taking over the WWF.

6. Mix Tag Team Match: X-Pac & Triple H v. Shane McMahon & Chyna - Corporation v. DX here. X-Pac would be domination this match, until Triple H would turn on him. Joining the Corporation & starting his heel run with a feud with X-Pac.

7. No Disqualification Match the WWF Championship Match: Mankind v. The Rock(c) - I would have had Mankind’s last WWF Championship Match being at Rock Bottom where he was screwed again. Mankind would go onto winning the Royal Rumble match, getting his last shot at the WWF Championship. The Corporation would be banned from ringside in this match, leaving it as a one on one match. Mankind would realize his dream by winning the WWF Championship at WrestleMania.

8. Steve Austin v. Mr. McMahon - I don’t know how this match never happen at WrestleMania. The biggest feud in the history of Wrestling to never have the ending on the biggest show WWF has. Austin’s career would be on the line. Wanting revenge for everything McMahon has done to him. Austin would have to deal with the entire Corporation, but in the end Mr. McMahon would finally get his taking a stunner & Steve Austin leaving Mania on top of the WWF.

That’s my card for WrestleMania 15. You have all the key big time players involved in the show. That deserve to be on WrestleMania. There some starts to some storylines to go on from this Mania. My WrestleMania has also the ending to some of the biggest stories in the WWF at the time. Hope you all have fun reading this card as much as I had fun creating this card.