Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Fantasy Re-Booking of WrestleMania 15

by: Connor Okey

For this blog, I’m gonna do something different & fun. I think all wrestling fans think how they would book a show is better what the bookers could do. It’s understandable. Sometimes when I see a wrestling card, I think of what changes I would do & think this would be much better. This time I’m not gonna improve a current card, but I’m gonna take a shot at changing a card from the all too great attitude era. WrestleMania 15 to me is the worst of the attitude era WrestleMania’s, so I’m gonna take a shot & show how I would change the 15th showcase of the immortals.

Before we get to my card. Let’s take a quick examination of the official WrestleMania 15 card.
1. Triple Threat Match for the WWF Hardcore Championship: Hardcore Holly v. Al Snow v. Billy Gunn(c) - A good little hardcore match with some fun spots. Good opener for the show.

2. WWF Tag Team Championship Match: D’Lo Brown & Test v. Jeff Jarrett & Owen Hart(c) - Very short match. Okay match at best with no story going into this match.

3. Brawl for All: Butterbean v. Bart Gunn - Sucks & was the end of Bart Gunn’s career.

4. Paul Wright v. Mankind - Not the best match in the world. Winner would go onto to referee the main event. Mankind should have been in a better spot for WrestleMania.

5. Fatal 4 Way Elimination Match for the WWF Intercontinental Championship: Val Venis v. Goldust v. Ken Shamrock v. Road Dogg(c) - A lot of talent in this match & should have been much better than it was. Okay match at best again.

6. Kane v. Triple H - Lame disqualification finish here to an okay match. Only purpose this match had was for Chyna to turn on Kane & rejoining DX.

7. WWF Women’s Championship Match: Tori v. Sable(c) - God this was so bad. Enough said.

8. WWF European Championship Match: X-pac v. Shane McMahon(c) - A good match here. Wasn’t Shane’s best match, but was one of his first matches. This match also had a great moment with Triple H & Chyna turning on DX to join the corporation.

9. Hell in a Cell Match: Big Bossman v. The Undertaker - One of the worst WrestleMania matches ever & also the worst hell in a cell match.

10. WWF Championship Match: Steve Austin v. The Rock(c) - These two headline 3 WrestleMania. This was the 1st one & the worst of the 3. But it was a great match that the crowd was great in the match as well.

Now for my WrestleMania 15 card.
1. WWF Intercontinental Championship Match: Val Venis v. Ken Shamrock(c) - In WWF history, Venis won the IC title at St Valentines Day Massacre. In my booking that would not have happen. The story of this match going in would be Venis using Shamrock’s sister Ryan to cause Shamrock to go crazy & go after Venis. Ryan Shamrock would be the downfall of her brother’s title reign, costing him the title at WrestleMania. After Venis wins, he would dump her, leaving her heartbroken.

2. WWF Hardcore Championship Match: Al Snow v. Hardcore Holly(c) - It’s a rematch from St Valentines Day Massacre. This would be a hard hitting, fun hardcore match. Fighting all over the building, using everything imaginable. In the end, Snow would finally get the victory & walk way with the hardcore championship.

3. WWF Tag Team Championship Match: New Age Outlaws v. Jeff Jarrett & Owen Hart(c) - Jarrett & Hart would walk away retaining the championship. This match would start the destruction of the New Age Outlaws with Billy Gunn becoming frustrated after losing this match. Eventually leading to him turning on Road Dogg.

4. Battle Royal for the WWF Women’s Championship - The women’s wrestling wasn’t very good at all around 1999 in the WWF. This would be a short match with all the divas WWF had at the time. Nicole Bass would be a surprise entrant in this match. As Tori & Sable are fighting each other, Bass would eliminate all the other divas. She then would take out Tori, then revealing how she is Sable bodyguard. Allowing Sable to retain the championship.

5.Hell in a Cell Match: Kane v. The Undertaker - I would stick with the storyline of Undertaker is trying to take over the WWF. Mr. McMahon being desperate to stop him, puts Undertaker v. Kane in a hell in a cell match. At the end of the day, the Ministry of Darkness would walk out of hell with the victory, one step closer to taking over the WWF.

6. Mix Tag Team Match: X-Pac & Triple H v. Shane McMahon & Chyna - Corporation v. DX here. X-Pac would be domination this match, until Triple H would turn on him. Joining the Corporation & starting his heel run with a feud with X-Pac.

7. No Disqualification Match the WWF Championship Match: Mankind v. The Rock(c) - I would have had Mankind’s last WWF Championship Match being at Rock Bottom where he was screwed again. Mankind would go onto winning the Royal Rumble match, getting his last shot at the WWF Championship. The Corporation would be banned from ringside in this match, leaving it as a one on one match. Mankind would realize his dream by winning the WWF Championship at WrestleMania.

8. Steve Austin v. Mr. McMahon - I don’t know how this match never happen at WrestleMania. The biggest feud in the history of Wrestling to never have the ending on the biggest show WWF has. Austin’s career would be on the line. Wanting revenge for everything McMahon has done to him. Austin would have to deal with the entire Corporation, but in the end Mr. McMahon would finally get his taking a stunner & Steve Austin leaving Mania on top of the WWF.

That’s my card for WrestleMania 15. You have all the key big time players involved in the show. That deserve to be on WrestleMania. There some starts to some storylines to go on from this Mania. My WrestleMania has also the ending to some of the biggest stories in the WWF at the time. Hope you all have fun reading this card as much as I had fun creating this card.

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