Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Extreme Predictions for Extreme Rules 2013

by: Connor Okey

The night of extreme is approaching this Sunday. WWE Extreme Rules 2013 is a pay per view that has had its fair share of problems. The Rock’s injury causing a rush to the Ryback heel turn to face Cena, & fast tracking the 3rd bout between Triple H & Brock Lesnar. Ziggler’s injury causing him to miss the pay per view, but at least WWE didn’t strip him of the World Heavyweight Championship. Those would be the problems of the show, but there is still a lot of good on this card. Now, lets go through the card line up & I’ll give my opinions & predictions for each bout.

Last Man Standing Match for the WWE Championship:
Ryback v. John Cena(c)
I think this match should have been a Ryback Rule’s Match, lol. Hopefully using the last man standing rules will help shield the limitations of Ryback. I feel his heel turn is being fast & I think this match should have been saved, until after Ryback got back some wins. This will be an interesting match, with some great spots, but at the end of the day, Cena will retain the championship.

Steel Cage Match: Brock Lesnar v. Triple H
The 3rd match in the series & without question Brock Lesnar will win this match. I’m ready for Lesnar to do something else with other superstars other than Triple H. For some reason, I feel we will get the best match these two have had against each other. I’d also expect this to be the main event of the show.

“I Quit” Match: Jack Swagger v. Alberto Del Rio
(winner will be the number 1 contender for the World Heavyweight Championship)
After Ziggler’s injury, I sure am happy that this match isn’t a ladder match. I just don’t know how well just Swagger & Del Rio would be in a one on one ladder match. Hopefully next month will get the triple threat ladder match. Gonna be interesting seeing this match. These two do work well together & Colter & Ricardo will cause some great entertainment as well. I predict Del Rio to walk away the winner & number 1 contender.

Chris Jericho v. Fandango
It’s a rematch from WrestleMania. I’d expect a better match between the two & I’m hoping Summer Rae will be the dancer for Fandango as well. Don’t know if this match will have an added stipulation, but Jericho will put over Fandango again at Extreme Rules.

Strap Match: Mark Henry v. Sheamus
This match could be a brutal watch. The marks that Sheamus had from Henry’s attack weeks ago were pretty sick. I’ve been loving the monster Henry push & I expect Henry walk away with the win in this match.

Extreme Rules: Randy Orton v. Big Show
Without a doubt in my mind the easiest match to predict. Orton gonna walk out of his hometown with the win in extreme rules. I can’t remember the last time Orton & Show had a one on one match on a pay per view. So, I’m interested in seeing this match.

United States Championship Match: Dean Ambrose v. Kofi Kingston(c)
This is gonna be a very good match. I’m surprised that they went with a one on one match, instead of having a six-man for the titles. This will be a great wrestling match to separate the gimmick match. Dean is bringing The Shield the gold & Kofi goes back to not mattering.

Tag Team Tornado Match for the WWE Tag Team Championship: The Shield (Rollins & Reigns) v. Team Hell No(c)
It’s not just a tag team match, that would be boring. It’s an old school tag team tornado match, with everyone in the ring at the time. Will be a great match, no doubt about it. This match is full of talent, but in the end Rollins & Reigns are taking the championships from Team Hell No.

At the end of the day, I’m looking forward most is The Shield pulling a clean sweep for the championships. The strap match will have the brutal slaps with the straps & seeing the freak known as Brock Lesnar is always fun to watch. It’s not fair, but I’m looking forward to the next pay per view, WWE Payback. I’ll be there live & it’s in Chicago. So, clearly my interest is else where in the WWE Universe.

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