Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Exploring the Show of Shows: WrestleMania 29

by: Connor Okey

This Sunday is the biggest pay per view of the year, WrestleMania 29. I’m happy to say that I’ll be attending this event, making it the 4th WrestleMania that I’ve attended. From what I read about this WrestleMania, it seems people have mix opinions of this event. Even going out saying it will be the worst Mania of all time. WrestleMania 7 says HELLO!!! I say lets watch the show & see how the performs work this Sunday, before we judge how terrible or great this show is. Right now, I would like to give my thoughts/opinions on this card.

WWE Championship Match:
John Cena v. The Rock(c)
It would appear that this match is the cause for all the hate on this card. Yes, I understand we saw it last year & depending on how you thought that match went, I can see why people wouldn’t want to see this again. For me, I’m excited for the rematch. I was there at WrestleMania 28 for the “Once in a Lifetime” match & the crowd ate this match up & the pop at the end was one of the biggest that I’ve ever heard. The difference I feel this match has compared to last years is, this years feels more personal. We haven’t had battle raps, rock concerts or just back n forth insults. The tone of this match is personal. Maybe the result of this match is clear, but I’m not too sure anymore.

World Heavyweight Championship Match: Jack Swagger v. Alberto Del Rio(c)
Clearly this match is a shocker for this years WrestleMania. I don’t this anyone could have predicted that both these performers would be in this spot in the card. This match is gonna be very good wrestling match. The build of this have been also very very good. It started out great with Swagger bringing in Zeb Colter & starting the “WE THE PEOPLE” stuff. After feeling this feud start to drop a bit, but Swagger “breaking” Ricardo’s ankle turn up the heat for this match. One guarantee in this match, it will last longer that 18 seconds.

CM Punk v. The Undertaker
Will it be 21 - 0 or 20 - 1? This is the match, most fans, are looking forward to the most. I think we will get the best out of these two performers considering the injuries of both men. Sadly the untimely death of Paul Bearer really jump started this feud. Making this match extremely personal. Another match that I’m looking forward to & will have the crowd on the edge of their seats. It’s just what there two wrestlers do for the fans. The true shocker of the evening would be if Punk would end the streak & if this is Undertaker last ride, maybe he is the 1 in 20 - 1.

No Holds Barred Match: Brock Lesnar v. Triple H
(if Triple H loses, he must retire)
It’s a rematch from SummerSlam, but everything about that match back in August is gonna be turned up a notch or two. It’s a No Holds Barred Match, so it’s gonna be a fight. Triple H’s career is on the line as well in this match. I would love to see some involvement from the McMahon family, maybe Stephanie coming down to kick Paul Heyman’s ass. The result is a coin toss for me. Brock is gonna be performing more this year, so it make sense that he would end Triple H’s wrestling career. Also who else does Triple H have to have a program with? I can’t think of someone off the top of my head. I expect brutality & with Lesnar in this it certainly will be.

Ryback v. Mark Henry
I for one can’t wait for this match. Yes, it’s not pretty, but come on people we know that going in. It’s gonna be just a clash of titans. It’s gonna be hard hitting & a short match. If this match goes pass 10 mins, I’d say that would be too much time for this match. Also very curious is: Can Ryback put Henry in the Shellshock?

Chris Jericho v. Fandango
Another surprising match on the card for WrestleMania. It is finally the debut of Fandango & to be honest the character is growing on me. Clearly the WWE is behind the gimmick as well. With giving him his 1st match on Mania & adding more & more to his entrance. I think this is gonna be the start to a good run for Fandango. Jericho will carry this match to show that Fandango belongs in the ring with Jericho. It will be entertaining to say the least.

Six Man Tag Team Match: The Shield v. Randy Orton, Sheamus & Big Show
The biggest thing that I can’t wait to see in this match is The Shield coming through the crowd in Metlife Stadium, that will be freaking awesome. Ever since Orton, Sheamus & Show got together they have shown how well they will work together. It appears no weakness in the team & they look unstoppable. With everything looking so positive for the face team, I don’t see The Shield losing this match. If anyone should hand The Shield their first lost, it should be Ryback at a future PPV.

WWE Tag Team Championship Match: Dolph Ziggler & Big E Langston v. Team Hell No(c)
At least Daniel Bryan match this year wont be 18 seconds this year. I didn’t see Ziggler & Langston challenging for the tag titles, but I think it’s a good spot for everyone. AJ is gonna be a great element in this match & I wouldn’t be surprised for a run in by Kaitlyn. At first I was thinking this would be the start to the end of Team Hell No, but maybe this isn’t the event for the moment to happen. I would love to see Ziggler becoming one half the tag champions & to cash the briefcase for the world championship.

Eight-Person Mix Tag Team Match: Tons of Funk & The Funkadactyls v. Team Rhodes Scholars & The Bella Twins
I can honestly say I didn’t see Tensai being apart of WrestleMania 29, especially his just terrible return last year. This is gonna be a fun match, with a lot of characters in it. I don’t expect this to go very long, but will be enjoyable. Ill be rooting for Team Rhodes Scholars & the girls who have saved the divas division, the Bella Twins.

Overall, I’m excited & looking forward to WrestleMania. Yeah, I know I’ll be at the event, but if I was staying home, I still would be looking forward to the show. Only really disappointing thing for me is that, the Intercontinental Championship Match: The Miz v. Wade Barrett(c) is going on the pre-show. But that’s just one small little issue I have. I also hope on the pre-show Cesaro gets a match, then I would say you have everyone that deserves a spot on Mania on the card. All I can say is, just have fun on Sunday April 7. WrestleMania is a celebration, it’s not to get all stressed about & upset. It’s the biggest WWE pay per view of the year, so just get a group of friends & order it, sit back with your food & drinks & just have a great time.

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