Friday, February 1, 2013

The Road to WrestleMania has Begun

The "Road to WrestleMania" always seems to be one of the most exciting times of the year. Intense storylines, big returns, and Undertakers streak all make these weeks the best of the year, but you all already knew that. Even though we know some things are almost guaranteed to happen (Undertaker winning), it's still the exciting because of the "what if" factor.

I know that we still have plenty of weeks and Elimination Chamber left, but these are my thoughts on what the WrestleMania XXIX card will look following Royal Rumble:

-Rock (c) vs Cena - This match is all but finalized already, and we have only seen one Raw since they both were victorious at Royal Rumble. With The Rock being the big name star that he is, I do not see him dropping the belt after only a month. Although I would love to see anyone else with the strap. The Rock went over in his "Once in a Lifetime" homecoming match last year, so I see "Once In a Lifetime: Part II" being the official passing of the torch and championship belt.  Winner: Cena
Stars such as Carlito (pictured) and Shelton Benjamin were heavily rumored to return at the Royal Rumble. They were both involved in many MITB matches, I would love to see either one at Mania. (Photo/ Michael Vanderkolk)
-Del Rio (c) vs Orton - After Del Rio beats Big Show and Orton wins the EC match, the two will have a face-vs-face 'Mania match. Del Rio wins, but Dolph Ziggler finally cashes in his MITB contract on the grandest stage of them all. Winner: Zigger via MITB

-HHH vs Lesnar- Lesnar returned on Raw and injured Mr. McMahon. I see the recently retired son-in-law wanting to seek vengeance. Since Vinnie Mac never said the words "You're fired" to Heyman, I see his contract being on the line. Lesnar saves his manager's job. Winner: Lesnar

-Taker vs Punk - There's rumors Taker is sitting this year out. I for one would be disappointed. Punk has little to prove anymore. To be the first one to defeat Undertaker at WrestleMania would be something no one would forget. It doesn't happen, but no one will forget the match. Winner: Taker

-Dolph vs Jericho - Jericho's return was the biggest surprise at Royal Rumble and it was against the man that most recently sent him packing. Dolph finally wins the "big one" and makes his first of two WrestleMania moments of the night. Winner: Dolph

-Sin Cara vs Rey - A dream match for American-lucha fans. The WWE needs to realize that neither man seems to enjoy being healthy because they're usually injured. They better hope they're both healthy this year, because I don't see them having many more opportunities to have this match.  Winner: Sin Cara 

-MITB Match with Barrett vs Cesaro vs Sandow vs Bo vs Kofi vs Slater vs Ryback vs Swagger - 

This one is really just what I want. I enjoyed the MITB much more at 'Mania than as its own PPV. This one will have a shocking end. Winner: The Shield

-Goldust vs Cody Rhodes - Goldust's return at the Rumble seemed to solidify this match, at least I hope so. Next to the MITB, this is probably the least likely. Not only would this be a huge moment for the brothers, but fans would enjoy the story the two would tell in the ring. Winner: Cody

-Daniel Bryan vs Kane - After the "bromantical" eliminations of Team Hell No in the Royal Rumble match, fans should be craving this match. Kane is one of the best big men in history, and Daniel Bryan is simply golden. The two have worked well against and with each other for about a year. Time for Kane to end his career in singles, and the Dazzler to create a HOF worthy singles career. Winner: Bryan 

-Katilyn (c) vs AJ - Even though I am not a fan of the quality of the Divas division, it should be guaranteed that there will be one Divas match on the card. AJ is easily the most utilized Diva on the roster, so it makes all of the sense in the world to put her in the match. Pair her against her former "Chickbuster" and current champion Kaitlyn, and we should see an above average match. Winner: AJ

Pre-Show: 3MB (c - Jinder and Drew via Freebird Rule) vs Usos vs PTP vs Co-Bro - Who better to dethrone Team Hell No than the most musically talented team since 3-Count? The only better way this match could go would be on the main card, but it won't happen. Winner: 3MB Baby!

I hope you enjoyed my card. I know a lot of it is fantasy, but I feel like some will happen. Plus, we all have wrestling fantasies (especially with WrestleMania) so spread your thoughts as well! 

"Believe in the Shield."


  1. So, the more I watch the current product, the more I think how wrong my predictions will be come WrestleMania. I guess we'll just have to see though. Be sure to share your thoughts!

  2. agree with the top 3, i think they're set.
    agree with the delrio/orton/zigs prediction. to further that, i think orton turns full heel here, by punting delrio after the match, and that's how zigs gets it done
    agree w cara/mysterio, i have that as my opener
    i think ziggler does double duty and has a singles match earlier with bryan, maybe with bryan going over.
    i see cesaro vs jericho, as the US title is the only one jericho has never held. cesaro wins.
    tag titles- i have the shield going in as champs and they defend against anyone and or everyone.
    i see a whc #1 contenders 4 way with ryback, sheamus, show, and henry, with ryback pinning show after shellshocked.
    i'm pretty sure they are keeping MITB as a PPV, so i would say there isn't a MITB match, but i do see an 8 man IC ladder match, with damien sandow winning.
    and i agree with your divas call.

    in all, i have an 11 match card, which is nuts. haha

    1. Haha yeah, I thought my card was pretty large as well.
      -Sadly, I have heard about them keeping MITB separate as well as Taker possibly missing this year.
      -In all honesty, I did not think how Orton would turn heel but that's perfect.
      -As much as I would love to watch Ziggler vs Bryan, I think that'll be Dolph's finest feud as champion. I think finishing off Bryan and Kane's friendship is best for Bryan. Plus, it'll make up for the 18 seconds he enjoyed last year.
      -Jericho vs Cesaro would be good too. I didn't know he had never held it, and he deserves it. If he won't win the MITB or RR, might as well win something else, right?
      -So you think Shield will run a gauntlet? That'd be entertaining and better use than mine.
      -If Ryback Shell Shocks Big Show I would probably poop my pants.
      -Sandow with a singles run? I can dig it.

      I feel like no matter what fan makes a card, it'll sound entertaining. I just hope I'll be able to find a way to watch it. The only problem with yours is where is Punk?

  3. i have punk/taker. i think the rumors about taker pulling out are kayfabe and a way for punk to "bully" him into the match.

    1. That'd be nice for sure. I guess there's no point in making the match now since Punk still has a chance to win back the WWE Championship, right?


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