Saturday, February 16, 2013

The Road Bump to WrestleMania: Elimination Chamber Prediction

 by: Connor Okey

This Sunday is the Elimination Chamber pay per view, or as I like to call it: The Road Bump to WrestleMania. Out of all the WWE gimmick pay per views, I think the Elimination Chamber is one that they do the right way. Using the chamber matches as the wrestler’s last chance to get in the championship picture at WrestleMania works for me. The reason why I feel this event works so well is, there is a reason for the elimination chamber match/es to happen. There always for one of the world championship or a number 1 contender ship. Unlike say the TLC pay per view where you have a chair or a tables match just because you need to have one. Let alone what a stupid match type ... a CHAIRS MATCH. Wow, those are brutal! Enough of this weak intro, lets get predicting the Road Bump to WrestleMania!

WWE Championship Match:
CM Punk(Challenger) v. The Rock(Champion)
(If Rock is counted out or disqualified, Punk wins the championship)
 It’s a rematch from the Royal Rumble & without question it will be the main event of the pay per view. I’m expecting a better match than what we got from the Rumble, which I thought was a very good match. I do see them playing with the fans in the match by having some how the referee gets tricked & Punk will win the match. To understand what I’m talking about go she Fully Loaded 2000, The Rock vs Chris Beniot. Punk has the edge going into this match with the new stipulation added to this match on Raw, but The Rock will retain the WWE Championship & will go on to WrestleMania.
Winner: The Rock 

World Heavyweight Championship Match: Big Show(Challenger) v. Alberto Del Rio(Champion)
There is no question in my mind the Del Rio will retain the championship this Sunday. This will be a solid match, but I would’ve had Del Rio defend against a different challenge. For me & I think a lot of the fans out there just wanna see if Ziggler is cashing in the money in the bank briefcase after the match.
Winner: Alberto Del Rio (Ziggler cashing in after the match) 

Elimination Chamber Match: Randy Orton v. Chris Jericho v. Mark Henry v. Jack Swagger v. Daniel Bryan v. Kane
(winner faces the World Heavyweight Champion at WrestleMania)
This is the match I’m most looking forward too. There is so much talent in the match & so many possibilities in the match. Can’t wait to see how Team Hell No will fall apart in this match. I would start this match with Bryan & Jericho. Mark Henry will be a dominate force in the chamber, eliminating most of the opponents. Swagger will have a great showing in the match, like all his showing he has had since his return. When it comes to winner in the match, I would say it comes down to Swagger & Jericho. Both I think are your best options for the challenger at WrestleMania. Since I feel Ziggler will cash it after the World Championship match, it only makes since for Jericho to win this one.
Winner: Chris Jericho

Six Man Tag Team Match: The Shield v. John Cena, Sheamus & Ryback
I think may people think this is a one sided match. Thinking that there is no way the WWE All Star team will lose to the Shield. But The Shield needs to win this match to have any steam going into a match at WrestleMania. Only thing I can say for sure is that, Cena will not take the fall in the match.
Winners: The Shield

Divas Championship Match: Tamina Snuka v. Kaitlyn(c)
Not much of a build to this match right here. It’s a rematch to the god awful match from Raw Roulette, but lucky this isn’t a divas lumberjack match. Think it’s too soon for Kaitlyn to lose the championship.
Winner: Kaitlyn

United States Championship Match: The Miz v. Antonio Cesaro(c)
The current United States Champion has been so damn impressive ever since winning this championship. Just his attack on The Miz on Raw, swinging him from side to side against the guard rail was flat out awesome. This has been a very good rivalry, these two really work well together. I’m a huge Miz fan, but I just have a feeling it’s not time for Cesaro to lose that championship.
Winner: Antonio Cesaro

Well, that’s all the match for this prediction blog. I’m looking very much for the PPV & I feel we are in for a very good show Sunday night. After this event we will have a good idea on which direction the WWE will be going in for WrestleMania. It’s been fun typing down my thoughts for this show. Hope anyone who reads this enjoys it at least & hopefully I’ll be back with another blog real soon.

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