Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Is It Cena's Master Plan?

I had an idea pop into my head while I was reading some articles on Bleacher Report. The article had something to do with possible twists and turns that could occur during Elimination Chamber on Sunday. One of these twists was a heel turn made by John Cena by aligning himself with The Shield. This would obviously resemble Hulk Hogan's turn on his "Hulkamaniacs" when he aligned himself with the nWo in 1996. Even though I don't think it will happen since Cena makes too much money for Vince, I can't help but ask myself "what if?" 

Let's look at how 2012 went for Cena:
  • He began the year with what could have been the worst feud of the year with Kane.
    • Kane's "monstrous" return was all but killed when Cena didn't "embrace the hate."
    • He helped bury Zack Ryder in the process.
  • He lost to The Rock at WrestleMania XXVIII.
  • He was F-5'ed by a returning Brock Lesnar the next night on Raw.
    • People who lived across the hall from me thought there was a teenage girl in my room who had Justin Bieber sign "Baby" to her.
    • My brother topped my reaction by snapping his phone in half.
  • Despite the winning the match, Cena was completely destroyed by Lesnar at Extreme Rules.
    • I gained a lot of respect for Cena after taking that beating like a champ.
  • His wife filed for a divorce which was finalized within the week.
    • I know it's not wrestling related, but it still adds to his woeful year.
  • He won the Money in the Bank ladder match for a shot at the WWE Championship.
    • Hey look, something good happened!
  • He became the first man to not win the championship after cashing in the contract.
    • It was 2012, of course it wasn't going to turn out well for him.
    • This happening on Raw 1000 made it even worse.
    • The worst part was when CM Punk stood tall over Cena and The Rock at the end.
  • He continued to not win the WWE Championship from CM Punk at SummerSlam and Night of Champions.
  • He injured his arm which led to him being removed from the Hell in a Cell card.
  • He was pinned by CM Punk in a triple-threat match with Ryback and Punk at Survivor Series.
    • The Shield debuted by attacking Ryback which allowed Punk to pin a downed Cena.
    • This was Cena's final championship match.
    • Did Cena realize something after that night?
  • AJ Lee fell in love with him.
    • AJ was in a feud with Vickie Guerrero at the time.
    • That led to Cena feuding with Dolph Ziggler due to Ziggler's relationship with Vickie.
    • Cena played with AJ's heart.
  • He had an opportunity to win Ziggler's MITB contract at TLC.
    • AJ turned on Cena for breaking her heart.
    • Just like his shirt says, Ziggler stole the show and Cena's girlfriend.
  • He never held a championship throughout 2012.
The best thing to happen to Cena during 2012 (other than dating Nikki Bella) was switching to 2013 where everything already seems to be changing.
  • He defeated Ziggler twice to start the year.
    • Even with the new help of Big E. Langston in Ziggler's corner.
  • He won the Royal Rumble match for a guaranteed title shot at WrestleMania.
    • Many people predicted it to happen.
    • Those same people were upset that it happened.
  • The Rock beat CM Punk at Royal Rumble for the WWE Championship.
    • Many people predicted it to happen.
    • Those same people were upset that it happened.
  • He stated he's challenging the WWE Champion at WrestleMania via Rumble victory.
    • This will more than likely make it "Twice in a Lifetime" against The Rock.
  • He has aligned himself with Sheamus and Ryback.
    • This is to challenge The Shield at Elimination Chamber.
After nine years on top of the company, the man finally falls during 2012. He is probably pissed and has every right to be pissed. I know I would be if I were him. Enter 2013 and he gets right back on top. He earns an opportunity to get revenge on the man who caused him to lose at WrestleMania for two straight years. In case you forgot, The Rock hit the Rock-Bottom on Cena during XXVII against The Miz. In the meantime, CM Punk issues his rematch, and Cena aligns himself with the two other "power men" of the company to take on the rebellious newcomers. It all seems to be normal.

However, the Shield is quite possibly the main reason The Rock is champion right now. This happened after Cena won the Royal Rumble match. He already knew he had a guaranteed title opportunity at Mania. Cena is a smart man, and surely he knows he can get his rematch against The Rock.

Did Cena order the Shield to interfere so Punk would be stripped of the championship? We already know that the Shield took bounties from Paul Heyman to help Punk in the past. Why would they not help out Cena if he offered more money? To make things a little more interesting, the Shield could have been the ones to approach Cena about setting up the rematch with The Rock. Did Cena "sell his soul" to the Shield? Either way, I feel like it would be an interesting way to enter WrestleMania.

Even though I don't think turning Cena heel would be good for the children, it would be a much needed rejuvenation of his character and the product of the WWE. Just from this possible outcome, I am already more excited for Elimination Chamber this Sunday.


"Win if you can, lose if you must, but always cheat!" - Jesse "The Body" Ventura

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