Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Where is the Divas Division?

by: Connor Okey

Since the start of 2013 there has been a something missing on WWE programming, mainly on Monday Night Raw. We have seen very little from the divas in 2013. I know this doesn’t matter to many fans, but I just wanted to bring up this issue. There have been many Raws with out any mention of the divas, let alone a divas match. At the Royal Rumble we didn’t have a match & at the Elimination Chamber event at Divas Championship match was built on the Monday, before the event, on a video for the WWE app. At this time, I wouldn’t be surprised if at WrestleMania, there isn’t a Divas match. This division has been on the decline since last year. During 2012, the divas division lost many of it’s stars & talents. We lost: The Bella Twins, Kelly Kelly, Beth Phoenix & most recently Eve. Let’s take a look at the current divas division & just see what the WWE has to work with.

Kaitlyn: The current divas championship, but she hasn’t done really anything since winning the championship. I think she is solid, but she still has some improving to do. I do love that she has started doing the spear as a finisher.

AJ: Currently only playing the role as Dolph Ziggler’s girlfriend. During 2012, AJ really become the top diva in WWE. She been in a relationship with Daniel Bryan, John Cena, CM Punk & Kane. I would love to she her wrestling more in WWE & with Kaitlyn as the Divas Champion, there is an easy feud right there. I expect AJ to finally be done with being in these relationship & just be an unstable crazy force in the divas division.

Aksana: All she really does is crawl on her hands & knees during her match.

Alicia Fox: A former Divas Champions, but that was back in 2010. She hasn’t done anything in really since her run as champion.

The Funkadactyls: Recently we have started seeing Cameron & Naomi in matches more. To me, the Funkadactyls are just a poor man’s attempt to be the Bella Twins. They have a long ways to go to be even close to the twins.

Layla: Another former Divas Champion & is pretty decent in the ring. I would prefer to have as a heel, rather than a face. Like back when she was with Michelle McCool doing their “Mean Girls” gimmick. It was that gimmick that made her a star, but now she just lost with the rest of the divas.

Natalya: No one can’t say she isn’t the best diva in the division. She is also being so underused at this time. Currently she is paired with The Great Khali & Hornswoggle. In 2013, I hope to she Natalya back to doing what she does best, wrestling.

Rosa Mendes: Rarely in any matches, only being used at Primo & Epico’s manager. That’s all.

Tamina Snuka: I think with Beth Phoenix leaving WWE, the office is trying to make Tamina the monster of the division. But for me, It’s not working. Tamina isn’t nearly as skilled as a performer as Beth. Maybe she will eventually become the monster of the division, but I hope she changes her attire.

As you can see the current divas roster consist of 10 divas, but only about 4 of them are being featured from show to show. The biggest problems with this division is that most of these girls are forgettable & the same. This division also lacks true workers, like Natalya & it’s missing the star of the division. AJ is really the only star of the division at the moment. 2012 was the year of the improving of the tag team division & I hope that 2013 is the improvement of the divas division.

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